Revegetation is an important process taken to facilitate the restoration of soil in detailed lands. It can happen through natural means or through man-made actions where land changes were meant to act as a solution for disaster and human activities such as mining, floods, or wildfires. Erosion rates can reach 2700 pounds per year in a forest where timber is cut without using best management practices. Failure to employ strategies based on revegetation solutions could see plants and delicate habitats being destroyed by circumstances that could have been avoided.

Benefits of Revegetation

Unlike the common procedure used in tree planting, revegetation requires intensive planning. One of the steps taken in planning is designing the land. During this phase, the details on the type of plants to be used are discussed by revegetation specialists, and certain areas are planned as to where the project will start.

The key to a successful revegetation solution is the proper analysis of the environment and landscape. Making a plan ensures that you properly calculate the funds needed for the revegetation exercise. It’s important to know which plants grow in specific areas and also know which type can thrive in the climate of your region.

Soil Erosion Control

Revegetation offers the solution to preventing soil from eroding. Soil erosion occurs when the land is bare and there’s little to no vegetation that covers it. Plants usually form a barrier that prevents soil erosion from occurring by preventing water from running off and instead directs it to seep into the soil. Furthermore, roots also protect the soil by holding it intact and preventing water from washing it off.


Revegetation also plays a key role in connecting natural habitats which favor the thriving of common animal species and prevent them from declining in numbers. Revegetation specialists focus on revegetating specific agricultural zones to encourage the breeding of different animal species.

Landscape Beautification

Revegetation of bare land transforms it into an attractive appearance that makes the environment beautiful. When you start noticing that your yards are looking full in color, it may be time to revegetate it and watch as it steadily restores its rich green color.

It is advisable to seek the help of revegetation specialists who can offer suggestions and guidelines on how to go about it. If you find yourself needing seeds for your Arizona revegetation project, you can do so by reaching out to local Phoenix seeding companies to help you achieve optimal results in your revegetation project.