Hydroseeding is a method in which grass seed, wood mulch, fertilizer, a bonding agent, and water are mixed together and sprayed onto prepared soil. It’s a fast, cost-effective way to seed a lawn. Grass starts to grow within 7 days, and a new, high-quality yard can be established in just 3-4 weeks. But how do you know if it’s right for you or your client? Here are some telltale signs.

No Grass

If you don’t already have grass, you’ll be starting from scratch. Rather than waste time trying to grow grass from seed alone, which is difficult and time-consuming, hydroseeding could be perfect for your space. Hydroseeding is a quick, easy application that takes care of large, bare soil. This will give you uniform grass in the least amount of time possible.

Barespots or Thinning

If you notice bare spots or thinning grass, a hydroseeding company could fill them in. You don’t need to treat your entire lawn—you may need to address problem areas only. The mixture of seed, mulch, and fertilizer work better together than seeding alone and can address soil issues that could be the culprit of your bare spots to begin with.


Weeds can ruin the look and feel of anyone’s yard. They can become unmanageable, as well. If you don’t want to waste time handpicking your weeds or if you don’t want to use potentially toxic chemicals, ask a hydroseeding contractor to examine your grass. It could be that your grass is weakening and allowing excess weeds to grow. Hydroseeding can eradicate large areas of weeds and replace them with healthy turf.


A thin layer of thatch can be healthy for a yard, however, a thick layer can cause problems. Too much thatch can suffocate your grass, protect pests, and make it impossible to penetrate with fertilizers or herbicides. If dethatching doesn’t work, you may need to start over. Hydroseeding services can eliminate the thatch, provide a healthy soil base, and get your new grass growing in no time.


If erosion is a problem in your landscape, hydroseeding companies can fix it. Hydroseeding holds moisture and protects against erosion that’s caused by wind, rain, and pests. Quick germination and bonding firm the soil leading to less erosion.


Grubs, worms, and chinch bugs are common pests found in grass. They can cause dry, yellow patches to form in your yard, even if the grass is getting plenty of sun and water. If you’re dealing with an infestation that’s killing your lawn, you may want to consider hydroseeding to bring your grass back quickly after you’ve eliminated the problem.

Sod Is Too Expensive

While laying sod to get an instant lawn is quick, it can also be too expensive. Sod can cost $1-$2 per square foot, while hydroseeding can cost one-third of that price. It may take a little longer to see results, but within 1-2 months you can have a lawn that looks just as good at a fraction of the price.

If you’ve noticed any of these telltale signs in your grass, it might be time to consider hydroseeding. When it comes to planting grass, professionals have found a way to perfect the process. No more waiting for a lawn to grow from seed alone, spraying harsh chemicals, or spending long hours weeding. Hydroseeding takes the headache out of getting a well-manicured yard.